Exploring Information Security with Alon Diamant-Cohen – Junior Developer…
Join me as I chat with Dave and Erin who host the Junior Developer podcast about Cloud Security, Digital Anthropology, and Human-Computer Interaction
Episode Outline
- Let’s start by getting into what you do. What would be your elevator pitch, to describe Information Security? Your current role?
- Can you walk us through a typical day at your job?
- On your website you describe yourself as a ‘digital anthropologist’ what does that mean, and how does it relate to what you do?
- You mentioned computer to human interaction – let’s get into what that means
- What kind of additional education, certifications, or training have you done?
- How much do you interact with code in this position? What technologies and tools have you used?
- Tell us something you don’t particularly enjoy about your job or something you would like to improve?
- What’s something you wish you knew before starting your current role?
- What are some things Jr Developers should know or be aware of regarding security and infrastructure?
- What advice would you give someone wanting to go in this career direction?
Referenced Article: Downloading Culture: Community building in a decentralized file-sharing collectivewww.alond
Links to the Junior Developer Podcast
You can reach us at helloworld@juniordevelopertoolbox.com
Facebook: Junior Developer Toolbox
Twitter: @JrDevToolbox
Instagram: JuniorDeveloperToolbox